Preposterous Quote – Pain Quitting


Hmmm… no. Pain isn’t always temporary. Pain is often chronic, especially when we overuse our bodies in a relentless pursuit of unhealthy goals. Or when we don’t recognize and honor legitimate limitations. Or when we don’t respect the need for rest or a healing process after injury. 

Also, why would we think that quitting lasts forever? That’s such a genuinely peculiar assumption. What about going back to something you previously quit? Especially after you are well rested or better conditioned or more equipped? Also, I’m not sure it counts as “quitting” when you mindfully stop something and choose a different path? 

I’m noticing that a fair percentage of the preposterous quotes I run across have this mad (hyper-American?) theme … do more, push through, no quitting, be everything, don’t suck! I don’t like it. 

Comment below with some healthy language for encouragement to challenge oneself! 




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