Online Resources (Vol 2)

Online Resources (Vol 2)

Here’s another installment of some free, evidence-based online resources and apps I’ve stumbled upon lately… (here’s Vol 1 if you didn’t see it)


  • An ebook about Getting The Most Out of Brief Therapy – could be great for clients really early on, or if they are feeling stuck.
  • This is an incredible introduction to sleep, sleep hygiene, and common sleep issues by the AMAZING Dr. Jade Wu. 
  • I like this little explanation of the R.A.I.N model of radical compassion, and it includes a 20 minute meditation. 
  • These are easy and evidence based screeners for multiple mental health conditions, like depression, anxiety, psychosis. 
  • I’m loving Dr. Russ Harris’ videos about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy! 
  • For therapists, I really like Jeff Zeig’s 5 minute therapy tip s, esp if you’re kind of existential or experiential. 
  • And here is an abnormal psyc textbook that is completely open source – it’s not my favorite abnormal book ever, and of course it’s at the undergrad level, but could be a good resource for clients

And some apps!

  • FITZ – Functional Imagery Training is an evidence based blend of imagery and motivational interviewing that shows tremendous benefits over standard habit-changing models. 
  • SmilingMind – This is an Australian meditation app – it’s really good, especially compared to the for-profit apps! 
  • UCLA Mindful – This doesn’t have the kind of sleek, fancy feeling that some of the other apps do, but it’s really good and accurate and useful, with mindfulness exercises and meditations that are similar to the ones used in research protocols. 
  • Mindfulness study – an app based on the Palouse school’s resources, which are Top Notch! Note – they mean for you to do the whole 8 week program, but who wouldn’t want to do that? It’s amazing! 

Comment below: Have you seen any of these? What do you think? Have any new, other recommendations to post? 





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