Online Resources Vol. 4

Online Resources Volume 4

If you haven’t seen them, here are Volumes 1, 2, and 3!

  • The Reveri app  – It’s free (of course!) and the BEST actual hypnosis app I’ve ever come across. (And I’m ASCH certified in clinical hypnosis). I’ve previously recommended Comfort Talk, and stand by it, but Reveri is also excellent and covers a lot of great, specific topics – e.g., sleep, anxiety, chronic pain, smoking cessation – the kind of stuff it’s probably ok to work on by yourself without a therapist. 
  • Greater Good Magazine – Honestly, this isn’t a great resource for therapists, as far as I can tell. But I think it’s one of the better lay-accessible internet resources.  It’s mostly research-based and comes out of Berkeley, and has lots of different kinds of content, all focused on well being. Worth a look. 
  • Andrew Huberman Podcast – For nerdy therapists (and maybe clients), Huberman is a neurobiologist and does a lot on mental health related topics – sleep, depression, addiction, stress, etc. – as well as some stuff that’s more like “optimizing wellness.” Easy to listen to, extremely knowledgeable, great sources, smart occasional guests. Honestly, his mental health series was not my favorite, but when it’s outside my direct area, I learn a lot. 
  • Kardia Deep Breathing App – FINALLY!!!! I finally found an app that lets you control the timing of the breathing! Remember the cardinal rule – breathe out longer than you breathe in. The end. But finally, there’s an app that will let clients personalize that, rather than putting them on a strict 5-minute, 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out, rigid program! THANK YOU! It’s $0.99 for the full functionality, but the free version works perfectly well for my personal use and for how I use it with clients.  
  • Spanish & Mandarin relaxation tracks – offered by the University of Texas Counseling Center, There’s a 3-minute breathing and a body scan available in both Spanish & Mandarin – I have a hard time finding resources for clients who, even though they may do their therapy with me in English for various reasons, might prefer or better utilize resources in their native language. These are free and you don’t need to be a student to access them. 
  • Various Downloadable Workbooks – The Govt of Western Australia has a resource that includes free, downloadable self-help workbooks on lots of issues – body image, depression, procrastination, distress tolerance, panic, health anxiety, etc. I haven’t gone through the whole workbook on all the topics, but the ones I have looked at are pretty legit. Maybe a good option for clients who want to work outside of session, or for your own use as smaller handouts or in-session activities if you break them up.

Comment below: As always, if you know of great, free, online resources, let us know, too! These things are out in the world to be shared and used!