Preposterous Quote – Moon


No. No. No. If you shoot for the moon and miss, you’ll actually burn up in the atmosphere as you fall back to earth. This is a great (missed) opportunity for a cautionary tale… if you’re going to shoot for the moon (i.e., set a goal) and you don’t prepare well or have a good takeoff, you’re in for an unhappy ending. 

If we must use the metaphor, we need to shoot for the stars (i.e., have enough planning and motivation to get to the goal, preferably), on a trajectory that passes near to the moon (i.e., subgoals that would be valuable in and of themselves, in case we change course or run out of fuel), and with adequate resources (e.g., provisions and gear to last awhile, communications with support systems) so that if we shoot for the stars we may land on the moon and at least survive for awhile.