Frog: A Noble Creature

Frog: A Noble Creature

I know. Frogs don’t seem that noble. And whether they are or not, or even if the case could be made that they are (and I believe it could), that’s not even remotely the point.

You see, “Frog: A Noble Creature” is just what I title this image when I give it to one half of a couple. “Horse: A Noble Creature” is just what I title this image when I give it to the other half. See why?

(If not, tilt your head so your right ear touches your right shoulder)

It usually takes just a moment for the two of them to notice that they have the same picture. Which is good, because the point is to show them that they can’t easily see the other person’s picture the way they see it, unless they come around to the other person’s position and look from where they’re sitting.

It’s just a little introductory exercise to empathy and perspective taking, but it really seems to drive the point home better than a lecture. Here are two of my other favorites.



Comment, please! How do you explain empathy to clients? Do you know of any other optical illusions to share that would help?

Note: I hate posting images without original sourcing, and I don’t know the original source for any of these. If you do, please share!